16 Questionable trends That Have Returned

Bubble Skirts

2000s TrendsClearly, we have a lot of feelings about this one because we're unsure who, exactly, this skirt style flatters. Extra poofy material that kind of looks like a spare pillowcase hanging around your legs? Err...we're inclined to pass.

Capri Pants

2000s TrendsIt's not that we're totally against this trend — it was the natural progression after biker shorts, and pretty perfect for in-between temperatures. However, it gives us flashbacks to our awkward years, when our hair was full of butterfly clips and we wore bold-colored capris with shiny, sequined shirts.

Random Ties

2000s Trends
Once upon a time, Avril Lavigne inspired thousands of people to style ties with tank tops and T-shirts, rather than knotting them around their collars. These days.................SEE MORE