Face Masks for Every Skin Type and Concern

There's clean skincare, and then there's skincare so clean it only contains ingredients found in your kitchen cabinets. But when you're feeling the itch to make a DIY mask, there are some ingredients that are safer and more effective than others. So we turned to Cecilia Wong, a N.Y.C.-based celebrity facialist as well as the founder of non-invasive skincare salon and natural skincare line Cecilia Wong Skincare, to share easy mask recipes you can make using wholesome ingredients. Whether you’re picky about what goes on your skin or you simply need a mask on the fly, there’s a homemade option you can whip up faster than your breakfast.

Cheerful girl with cosmetic mask on her face covering eye with avocado
Anti-aging mask

Berries are antioxidant powerhouses, so they help fight free-radical damage which can lead to signs of aging.
1 small handful blueberries
1 small handful raspberries
1 small handful blackberries

1. Mash all of the berries together until.....Read More